Tea. The Ultimate Weapon.

You run down a dark hallway, the creature not far behind. It’s catching up to you. You feel a feathery surface on your back and you know it’s too late. But the creature doesn’t eat you. It gives you enough time to run into the kitchen and grab the kettle that has just finished boiling. You quickly pour it into a moderately sized cup.
The creature turns the corner to look at you. It’s smaller than you thought, more like a young child than an adult. You take a tea bag and place it into the cup.
It is closer now, and staring at you with an odd expression while opening its mouth. You can’t stand the sight of its mouth and turn back to the cup. You grab some sugar and put three spoonfuls into it. The creature takes a step closer. You can feel its breath fanning on your neck but you keep at your work.
It’s finished. You carefully pick the tea up as the creature
moves its mouth around your neck. “Tea?” Your voice shakes a little. It takes a step back.
Before you can say anything else it has grabbed the tea and
sat down on the table to drink it. A sigh of relief leaves you and you turn to leave.
The creature stops you. You shut your eyes tight, prepared for the death that awaits you. “Thank you for the tea.” You slowly open your eyes to see that it’s bowing in front of you.
“Y-you’re welcome.” It rises from its bow and leaves through the front door, placing the now empty tea cup on the draining board.
You've finally done it.
The creature runs back in. "I AM YOU, AND YOU ARE ME. THEN YOU BECAME SKELETON!" In a second you've become a skeleton. "HAHAHA!" It leaves in a puff of smoke. Now you are skeleton.
Now you are unhappy.
And so you make some tea and drink it.